अन्य सेवाहरु

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Picture Ashok Shah
Ashok Shah

email: ashokready@gmail.com
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ashokready

निजामती सेवा शिक्षक सेवा प्रहरी सेवा बैंक तथा वित्तिय सेवा संस्थान सेवाको अतिरिक्त सरकारी सेवा अन्य विभिन्न क्षेत्रहरु रहेका छन् जसमा त्रिभूवन विश्वविधालय सेवा प्राविधिक शिक्षा तथा व्यवसायिक तालिम केन्द्र (ETEVT) राष्ट्रिय परिक्षा बोर्ड (NEB), नेपाल दुर संचार प्राधिकरण (NTA) आदि पर्दछन् । यी सम्पूर्वण निकायहरु पनि नेपाल सरकारकाे स्वामित्वमा रहेका संस्थाहरु हुन् । यसमा पनि राम्रो वृत्तिविकास तथा सुविधाहरु रहेका छन् । विभिन्न परिक्षार्थीहरुको रोजाइमा यी सेवाहरु पर्ने गर्दछन् ।
Tu Service Commission

Tribhuvan University Service Commission

The University has its own Service Commission headed by Chairman. The main responsibility of the Service Commission are to hold competitive examinations and interviews for applicants wishing to enter university service and to recommend the successful candidates for appointment to positions of teaching and administration.


The Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) constituted in 1989 (2045 BS) is a national autonomous apex body of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector committed for the production of technical and skillful human resources required to the nation. It mainly involves in policy formulation, quality control, preparation of competency based curriculum, developing skill standards of various occupations and testing the skills of the people, conduct various research studies and training needs assessment etc.

It has an assembly consisting of 24 members and a governing board known as Council comprising nine members. Minister of Education chairs both the Assembly and the Council. The Council has a full time Vice-Chairperson and a Member-Secretary.



Skilling Nepal for People’s Prosperity


CTEVT is a vibrant organization promoting TVET system to develop a competent workforce for national and international market needs


In order to achieve and attain the mission and vision, CTEVT has set the following six goals:

  1. Expand TVET programs for ensuring access and equity
  2. Ensure quality, relevant and efficient TVET system
  3. Enhance effectiveness and efficiency of CTEVT management
  4. Establish NVQF to ensure its compatibility with education framework
  5. Extend technical input to establish TVET Fund
  6. Establish effective coordination with and among TVET Stakeholders
Major Responsibilities

CTEVT mainly has the following responsibilities:

  • Provide advice to the Government of Nepal regarding TEVT policy and programs.
  • Determine scope and standards of TEVT programs.
  • Arrange for and conduct TEVT Programs from basic level to higher education.
  • Liaison and maintain coordination with national and international TEVT agencies for quality education and training.
  • Extend technical input to establish TVET Fund
  • Establish effective coordination with and among TVET Stakeholders
हाम्रो बारेमा

शिक्षा (आठौं संशोधन) ऐन, २०७३ कार्यान्वयनमा आए संगै सन्दर्भमा उच्चमाध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद्को खारेज भई राष्ट्रिय परीक्षा बोर्ड क्रियाशील भइसकेको छ । साविकको उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद्बाट सम्पादन हुँदै आएका सम्बन्धन विद्यालय अनुमति, छात्रवृत्ति,विद्यालय संचालन सम्बन्धी कार्य स्थानीय तहबाट व्यवस्थापन गरिने र पाठ्यक्रम निर्माण, विकास एवं समकक्षता निर्धारण सम्बन्धी कार्य पाठ्क्रम विकास केन्द्रबाट सम्पादन गर्ने गरी कार्यक्षेत्र निर्धारण भएका छन् । कक्षा १० ( एस.इ.इ) को परीक्षा एवं कक्षा ११ र १२ (एस एल सी ई)को परीक्षा सम्बन्धी कार्यहरुलाई  राष्ट्रिय परीक्षा बोर्डको क्षेत्राधिकार भित्र आवद्ध गरिएको छ । साथै,कक्षा १० को परीक्षा  प्रादेशिक स्तरमा संचालन गर्ने र समग्र  विधालय शिक्षाको परीक्षालाई समेत दिशानिर्देश गर्ने दायित्व राष्ट्रिय परीक्षा बोर्डको परिधि भित्र समाहित गरिएकोछ।

One-Step Equations

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church building on All Saints.

Equations with Fractions

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.

One-Step Equations

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church building on All Saints.

Equations with Fractions

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.

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